Name: Rachael Turner
Role: Licensed Builder & Front Porch Properties Company Owner/Director
Location: Brisbane, AU
Instagram: @frontporchproperties
Can you talk us through your role/main responsibilities?
I am a licensed builder and I love the construction industry! I build and renovate beautiful homes in Brisbane with my awesome team of carpenters. My role entails running the business, including overseeing house design, running construction sites, communicating with clients, managing back end business. My time is roughly 50% split between spending time on site with my carpenters and trades, and 50% off site working on house designs and handling administration.
What do you enjoy about your role?
Every day is different, hectic, fun, rewarding! I love the challenge of solving a difficult renovation problem and coming up with creative solutions. Its also great being able to manage my time, outsource my weakness and spend time in my own ‘genius zone’. Because I am passionate about the construction industry and believe there should be more women in the industry, a good portion of my life is dedicated to spreading this message.
How did you get into construction? How did you learn your skills?
I was formally a classical pianist with an odd obsession with construction. So I made the career change! I completed a Diploma in Building and Construction, as well as gained 4 years of project management experience before applying for my builders license. I got my license in 2016.
Have you won any awards?
I was the Master Builder winner 2019 & 2020, the 2020 HIA Business Woman of the Year plus 2020 HIA Professional Woman of the Year, and the 2017 Vocational education winner at the Queensland Training Awards. I am an ambassador for VET and was the ‘face’ of Tafe QLD for their 2018 summer marketing campaign, which involved TV commercials, billboards, buses and other media. It was also great being on Open Homes Australia in 2019.

“Most people are happy staying within their comfort zone and sleep walking through life, but I believe you need to take some risks if you want to achieve something great in your lifetime.”
What advice would you give to other women looking for a career in construction?
If you don’t know anybody in the industry who perhaps can give you a head start, I’d suggest doing a cert 1 in carpentry at Tafe or perhaps a Try-A-Trade to find out what you really like. Also, take some serious risks to follow your dreams! Most people are happy staying within their comfort zone and sleep walking through life, but I believe you need to take some risks if you want to achieve something great in your lifetime.
Do you have a favourite saying or quote?
“Aim for significance, not success”
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act but a habit”
“If you get knocked down 7 times, just get up 8 times”
“Risk takers are the world changers”
Tell us about an interesting or difficult experience you’ve had.
One of the hardest learning experiences (right at the beginning of my career) was when I got in some serious trouble with the QBCC before I was a licensed builder. I had to pay some hefty fines and was taken to court! TIP: Do not do carry out any building work without the right license!
Thank you so much Rachael for sharing your story! It’s super inspiring to hear women taking a leap and changing direction in their careers, especially in a "non traditional" industry. We can't wait to see what you do next! x